Can I Replace My Windshield in the Winter?

windshield replacement

While cruising down the thoroughfare, an imposing rock hurtles toward your windshield, bequeathing a fracture on the driver’s side. Regrettably, this impediment compromises your visibility during drives, and driving with such auto glass damage within your line of sight is against the law in Minnesota. Consequently, a replacement for your windshield becomes imperative.

However, if the winter chill is at its zenith, the question arises: can or should one embark on the venture of windshield replacement during this frigid season? For those unfamiliar with procuring fresh auto glass amidst the snowy and nippy climate, here’s an elucidation on the nuances of executing a windshield replacement in winter.


The act of replacing windshields during winter is not a precluded notion. Nevertheless, the substances utilized to affix the glass may undergo modification. This stems from the necessity for a product that expeditiously cures in wintry conditions. Moreover, opting for a windshield replacement establishment may supersede the convenience of a mobile auto glass installer who typically performs these replacements.

Conducting glass replacement in the open air during cold temperatures poses potential challenges, primarily because glass contracts marginally when subjected to low temperatures. Another predicament is the control of humidity, a factor that renders outdoor windshield installation less than ideal. Winters are often rife with humidity, and the elevated moisture content in the air can impede the adhesive’s ability to properly set and cure. If the adhesive fails to secure the glass to the vehicle’s frame adequately, the windshield may succumb to leaks. In extreme cases, a poorly sealed windshield might disengage from the frame or detach completely in the event of a collision.


Regrettably, there exists no universal benchmark for defining cold when it pertains to glass and auto installation. Variables such as the glass type and curing products deployed come into play. As a rule of thumb, if temperatures hover around freezing, the curing products for your glass windshield will differ from those applicable in temperatures above freezing. Ideally, glass installation is preferable under temperate conditions. If a mobile company struggles to maintain optimal glass temperature in their vehicle, they might suggest an installation in a garage or a dedicated glass repair facility.


For in-shop windshield repair, concerns about moisture-related issues are mitigated, given the controlled environment of the facility. However, if one opts for mobile auto glass repairs, it’s imperative to acknowledge that moisture within the damaged area can engender serious complications in achieving a high-quality chip or crack repair.

Moisture can impede the adhesive’s curing process and compromise the secure attachment of the glass to the vehicle’s frame. While a mobile windshield replacement is plausible, prudence suggests scheduling such services in a shop setting to minimize the risks associated with moisture interference and adhesion challenges.

Is Postponing until Spring a Prudent Choice?

Deferring a windshield replacement until warmer temperatures prevail is not advisable. Doing so exposes both your safety and auto glass to heightened risks of severe damage. Cold temperatures have the potential to exacerbate existing cracks or, in the worst-case scenario, cause the windshield to shatter entirely. If your windshield demands replacement, the chill in the air should not dissuade you from availing the service.

While challenges may accompany the act of replacing a windshield in cold weather, a reputable auto glass repair shop can adeptly navigate these hurdles.


Similar to the precautions warranted after a windshield replacement in warmer weather, analogous care is essential when replacing auto glass during winter. Upon reclaiming your vehicle, adhere to these measures:

  • Refrain from slamming doors, as the resultant vibrations can disrupt the curing process.
  • Allow the retention tape to settle for a minimum of 24 hours.
  • Exercise caution while driving over uneven terrain, potholes, and speed bumps.

For additional insights on prolonging the lifespan of your new auto glass, peruse our guide on post-replacement windshield care.


Should the need for a winter windshield replacement arise, do not hesitate to reach out to our team at Turning Point Glassworks! Our technicians possess extensive expertise in conducting windshield replacements across all seasons, boasting a cumulative experience of over 25 years in the auto glass industry. 

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